Kech River

250 km

In-situ River Bioremediation

250 km

Kech River

In-situ River Bioremediation

Preserving nature's legacy, healing Kech River and restoring ecosystem balance


Kech River

250 km
1010 Solutions

Kech River


The Kech River holds historical significance, serving as a lifeline for Balochistan for centuries. It has sustained agriculture, supported local economies, and provided a habitat for diverse flora and fauna. Unfortunately, the river is now facing pollution issues due to agricultural runoff and untreated domestic wastewater, jeopardizing its ecological integrity and the well-being of surrounding communities.

The Kech river bioremediation project is a vital response to this ecological crisis. By implementing bioremediation technology, we contribute to the river health and to safeguard its historical significance. This also creates benefits for local communities dependent on the Kech River for agriculture and livelihoods, ensuring a better water quality source. Moreover, the project aligns with broader sustainability goals, contributing to global efforts in reduce pollution, capturing atmospheric carbon, and mitigating climate change.

Local team

The team driving the Kech River Project is led by Dr. Haneef Ur Rehman, who serves as a Professor in the Department of Natural and Basic Sciences at Turbat University. Working alongside him is Adnan, who contributes as Field Researcher while Muhammed and Feroz are laboratory interns. They are united in their mission to create a greener and more sustainable future for the Kech River and beyond.

Liquid Trees project goes beyond bioremediation, protecting the ecosystem while delivering tangible benefits to biodiversity and local communities

Restauring the natural balance of Kech River

Improving water quality to revitalize the Kech River potential

Ensuring a sustainable water source for agriculture and livelihoods


Liquid Trees rigorously evaluates every project listed on our marketplace to ensure that we're surfacing only the highest quality projects. Our Evaluation Criteria includes a series of checks that every project must pass as well as a number of informative insights on project quality. You can see a preview of these checks below.

Learn more
Feasibility study
The suitable river for microalgal bioremediation is selected after a feasibility study including several criteria such as water quality, environmental, hydrological, and geological conditions.
Selection of the inoculation point
Define the suitable river inoculation location for the construction of the microalgae facility for river bioremediation.
Environmental permits
Obtention of permits to perform the river bioremediation in accordance with environmental compliance.
Baseline assessment
Water quality evaluation along river monitoring stations and determination of the baseline carbon stock at the riverbed.
Native microalgae selection
Identification, selection, and isolation of native microalgae already adapted and acclimatized to local river ecosystem environmental conditions. Microalgae selection considers their carbon capture and sequestration potential.
Microalgae cultivation
Scaling-up of the isolated native microalgae in the algal facility maintaining the identical environmental conditions found in their natural habitat.
River bioremediation
Use of cultivated microalgae consortium as inoculum for bioaugmentation in the selected river
In-situ river phycoremediation
Inoculation of the river with the microalgae culture for the removal of excessive water nutrients as they are transported downstream.
Microalgae deposition and accumulation
When the inoculated microalgae die, they follow deposition and accumulation in the riverbed soil where biomass is stored, sequestering the carbon captured during growth. 
River bioremediation monitoring
The project delivers a long-lasting climate impact ensured by continuous and efficient monitoring
Monitoring river bioremediation performance
Spatial and temporal assessment of water quality along the river monitoring stations considering the evolution of biological and physicochemical parameters to evaluate water quality during and after the bioremediation.

Also, satellites images and RS tools are used to monitor microalgae blooms and nutrients evolution along the river.
Carbon sequestration verification and validation
A combination of MRV techniques are used to report the carbon storage in riverbed soils and GHG mitigation
Field measurements
In-situ field measurements to verify and validate microalgae-biomass deposition and accumulation and its contribution to carbon storage in the riverbed soil.
Modelling and simulation
Application of models to simulate microalgae behaviour in the river-estuary system and quantify biomass contribution to the carbon pool.

Every river project listed on the Liquid Trees Marketplace must align with our Evaluation Criteria to ensure project quality. To monitor a river bioremediation project, Liquid Trees uses remote sensing and geographic information systems along with field measurements to monitor and assess microalgae biomass and nutrient evolution along the target river.


This animation shows the expected spread of native diatoms during the Kech River bioremediation.


Rivers of resilience: unleashing nature's potential in the Kech district

Amidst the serene landscapes of Kech district, the Kech River embarked on a transformative journey. Enduring years of pollution, this lifeline faced significant challenges. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, we took upon ourselves the responsibility of revitalizing the river and nurturing its potential.

Through biological river bioremediation and water quality monitoring, we aim to improve water quality. The remediation of the river's ecosystem not only ensures clean water for the resilient community of Dasht but also heralds a beacon of hope for the broader region. By nurturing the potential of the Kech River, we strive to set an example of harmonious coexistence between nature and human endeavors.

The bioremediation of the river's ecosystem ensures better water quality for the resilient community of Dasht and also heralds a beacon of hope for the broader region.

Agricultural run-off decreases water quality at Kech River
Economic conditions

Balochistan, the home of the Kech River bioremediation project, is a province situated between Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan. This region has a rich cultural heritage and abundant natural resources including mineral and hydrocarbon deposits. Despite its resource potential, Balochistan has lagged behind other provinces in terms of economic development. The province's economy mainly relies on agriculture and mining. Balochistan ranks low on the human development index, with significant challenges in access to safe drinking water, electricity, and education. With around 70% of the province's population residing in rural areas, the rural nature of Balochistan further contributes to the economic challenges faced by the region.

The Kech River bioremediation project aims to support the local economy by recovering river water quality and employing local talent. Thus, this project plays a crucial role in fostering economic growth, social progress, and a better future for Balochistan.

Fish population conditions

The coastal regions of Balochistan are facing significant challenges in maintaining their fish population due to domestic, agricultural, and sewage pollution. The adverse effects of climate change, combined with inadequate waste management practices, have further intensified these challenges, impacting local fishermen to sustain their living. Urgent measures are needed to reverse the water qialuty and security concerns along with the decreasing fish populations.

The Kech River project aims to address these environmental challenges. By leveraging the unique properties of diatoms, we eliminate pollutants from water and create local employment opportunities, fostering a sense of ownership among the people of Balochistan towards the Kech River project.

Trash and plastic pollution

With the aim of trash and solid waste removal from the Kech River, we plan to install interceptors along the river for their effective collection and removal. This proactive approach contributes to protecting the river ecosystem, creating a cleaner environment for both the local community and the aquatic life that depends on the river. By undertaking these initiatives and engaging the local community, we aim to provide a better future for Balochistan and its people.



In alignment with Liquid Trees' commitment to environmental stewardship, this river bioremediation project support the achievement of these SDGs

Zero Hunger
Microalgae cultivation does not require fertile land.

The water used for the cultivation is returned to the river, providing clean water for irrigation.
Microalgae mitigate eutrophication in water bodies through nutrient uptake, protecting biodiversity.

Microalgae cultivation in rivers can remove organic and inorganic chemicals, including heavy metals, microplastics, and emerging pollutants.

Microalgae promote water quality and enhance dissolved oxygen.
Clean Water and Sanitation
Decent Work and Economic Growth
The operation and maintenance of microalgal cultivation facilities and the river bioremediation project provide job opportunities for locals.
Microalgae effectively capture and fix atmospheric CO2 due to their high photosynthetic efficiency, mitigating GHGs emissions.

Microalgae biological carbon sequestration is a promising and sustainable technology to address global warming and climate change.
SDG 13
Climate Action
SDG 14
Life Below Water
Microalgae have a significant impact on the bioremediation of diffuse pollution and eutrophication mitigation, reducing excessive nutrients and increasing water oxygenation.

Microalgae increase the population of river flora and fauna due to water oxygenation.

Microalgae technology helps to improve and preserve aquatic habitats and promote ecosystem resilience.
The success of the in-situ application of microalgae technology is strongly linked to the collaboration and partnerships between multi-stakeholder groups, policy- and decision-makers.
SDG 17
Partnership for the goal

More than half of all mammals in Borneo live in this project area

This project expands the contiguous habitat of the neighboring national park eastward to the Seruyan River, which local communities rely heavily on for drinking, transportation, and fish stocks. This land preservation provides countless flora and fauna with a natural, undisturbed habitat where they can thrive. Central Kalimantan Peatlands protects the populations of five critically endangered, 12 endangered, and 37 vulnerable species (including 5% of the world’s total population of Orangutans). Other mammals in the area include the Asian Sun Bear, Sunda Pangolin, Clouded Leopard, Proboscis Monkey, Hairy-Nosed Otter and many species of bats.

a big rainforest and the river
Vulnerable species
Tree & plant species
Tree Spotlight


Among the largest near-surface reserves of terrestrial organic carbon, peatlands are made up of organic matter from partially decomposed remains of trees that accumulate to a thickness of 10m+. These forests are also home to a wide range of plant and animal life.


Regular daily patrols cover large expanses of this remote peat swamp on foot and by motorized canoe to prevent illegal activity and conduct a range of biological, resource and social surveys. Working together with project communities has strengthened local ties and support for the project.

Tree Spotlight

Bornean Orangutan

The only great ape outside of Africa, whose populations have declined 95% in the last century, is critically endangered due to human activities. Tanjung Puting National Park (adjacent to the project area) houses one of the largest protected populations.


Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) collaborates with the project on the implementation of forest monitoring, reporting and protection activities on the ground.

Verification Report 2015-2019


Verification Report 2015-2019


Verification Report 2015-2019


Verification Report 2015-2019


Verification Report 2015-2019

